Quirina Leaena vom Garnsee
KfT-Youth Champion
Date of birth: 23rd July 2014 (size of the litter 3 male/7 female)
Parents: Dante Primus vom Erfurther Hof & Mona vom Garnsee
-APPROVED- in Bramsche-Pente: 20th February 2016
Judge: Mrs. Freerksen
Withers: 57 cm
Weight: 22 kg
Quirina has been living in our pack since September 2014. She came as a little lively Airedale bitch and was immediately well accepted by our Airedale bitch Lyra. With Lyra Quirina had a jester’s licence. After losing „N-Aries vom Garnsee“, our first male dog, it seemed that Lyra was not keen on any kind of education and was simply happy to have a playmate again. Quirina quickly started a positively strict education and extensive socializing in the puppy group GHSV Weeze 1961 e.V. All sorts of breeds participate in the training on the dog training grounds in Weeze and the actual learning takes place in smaller groups with qualified trainers.
Quirina started her tracking exercise very early and is very interested in the many small goodies and the jackpot at the end. She is currently doing obedience exercises.
In exhibitions Quirina shows a happy attitude and has been quite successful. At only six months of age, she has received the highest mark „promissing“ vv1 ath the DOG-Live in Münster.
In the meantime Quirina Leaena vom Garnsee has been voted KfT-Youth Champion at 13 months of age and has gathered good experience in the ring. Louis loves her a lot and as with Lyra she can do whatever she wants with him. They are a real dream team.